GenAI App Development with Genkit


Learn how to create and deploy a GenAI application with Google Cloud and Firebase Genkit. This hands-on example provides skills transferable to other GenAI frameworks.

You will learn how create the GenAI components that power the **Movie Guru** application.

Watch the video below to see what it does and understand the flows you will be building in this gHack (turn down the volume!).

**Movie Guru**

Learning Objectives

In this hack you will learn how to:

  1. Vectorise a simple dataset and add it to a vector database (Postgres PGVector).
  2. Create a flow using Genkit that anaylses a user’s statement and extracts their long term preferences and dislikes.
  3. Create a flow using Genkit that summarises the conversation with the user and transform’s the user’s latest query into one that can be used by a vector database.
  4. Create a flow using Genkit that takes the transformed query and retrieves relevant documents from the vector database.
  5. Create a flow using Genkit that takes the retrieved documents, conversation history and the user’s latest query and formulates a relevant response to the user.



  • Your own GCP project with Owner IAM role.
  • gCloud CLI
  • gCloud CloudShell Terminal OR
  • Local IDE (like VSCode) with Docker and Docker Compose

Warning With CloudShell Terminal you cannot get the front-end to talk to the rest of the components, so viewing the full working app locally is difficult, but this doesn’t affect the challenges.


  • Manasa Kandula
  • Christiaan Hees