Ready, Steady, Cloud Run!


We’ll be using Cloud Run to quickly configure, deploy and troubleshoot a web service. During the process we’ll introduce different ways to store data for the web service and learn about how to discover and fix issues.

Learning Objectives

This is going to be an introduction to running apps on Cloud Run. We’ll dive into various aspects of app development using cloud native tooling on GCP.

  1. Deploying and configuring apps on Cloud Run
  2. Logging and monitoring for troubleshooting
  3. Working with different data stores, Firestore, Memorystore and Cloud SQL
  4. Keeping secrets safe in Secret Manager



  • Your own GCP project with Owner IAM role
  • Access to an environment with the following
    • gcloud (>= 410.0.0)
    • node.js (>= v19.1.0)
    • docker (>= 20.10.22)
    • an editor
    • Note Cloud Shell has all of these pre-installed
  • Basic knowledge of GCP
  • Knowledge of docker, nodejs/npm and Javascript


  • Wietse Venema